
Welcome to my website. I am Sarah Lewis Cortes, PhD. I am involved with a number of organizations and projects. You can find out more about me at www.SarahLewisCortes.com. For professional services, please go to InmanTechnologyIT.com and LinkedIn.com/in/SarahCortes. For other research, please go to PrivacyResearch.is.

You can contact me:

via email: sarah.cortes@post.harvard.edu or scortes@ccs.neu.edu
(Optional: PGP Key: 226CCE21)
via chat: sarah@ipvtech.is 
(Optional: OTR Key Fingerprint: 407E6144 40622F8E 011A6D6C 67D8EB70 51F82E87)
via phone: 330-99-CYBER
via Skype: sarah_cortes
via Twitter: @SarahCortes